There are several occasions when women don?t want to get pregnant and avoid pregnancy situation. Birth control refers to the methods or techniques used in stopping the pregnancy. There are various birth control methods available such as contraceptives birth control pills. These are the ways of controlling birth other than not having sex. There is only two ways either don?t indulge in sex or use the contraception methods to reduce the chances of pregnancy.
Reasons To use These methods:
1. In case you want to enjoy the pleasure of sex as well as don?t get pregnant.
2. Avoid premarital pregnancy after having sex.
3. Avoid the chances of abortion which can be more harmful for the body.
4. Avoid teenage pregnancy. ?
Different Methods:
Contraceptives birth control pills and other methods are used in preventing sperm of man from fertilizing the egg.
There are basically two types of contraceptive methods available:
1. Barrier methods ? These methods refer to the preventing objects to stop sperms swimming in the uterus for fertilizing.
2. Hormonal methods ? These methods are used in changing the hormonal cycle of women that cause pregnancy.
3. Some of the young people try to have sex in the time period when there are less chances of getting pregnant.? This method is also considered as the contraception methods.
Barrier Methods:
1. Male condoms ? It is the most used contraceptive method by the men to prevent pregnancy
2. Female condoms ? Usually, females merely used these condoms or birth controls. However, it is equally effective and beneficial
3. Spermicides ? These are chemical agents that kill sperms and prevent them swimming in the uterus or spreading inside the uterus.? These agents could be in various forms such as creams, gels, foam and tablets.
Hormonal methods:
1. Contraceptive birth pills ? These are the certain firms of drugs which are used in preventing pregnancy. It is consumed by the girls within particular time period of having sex. Usually these pills are combined with Oestrogen and progestogen. Consume only prescribed dosages and purchase only genuine brand of contraceptive pills.
Note: It is highly recommended and imperative to consult with the doctor before consuming contraceptive pills. There are some precautions and particular dosage must be followed as per the doctor?s instruction.
Ultimately, these vital contraceptives birth control pills and other contraception methods are effectively can be administered by the couples avoiding pregnancy and controlling the pregnancy.
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