Saturday, September 15, 2012

Friday Speak Out!: The Joy of Writing, guest post by Katie Martin

The Joy of Writing
by Katie Martin

One day last week, I went to the mailbox and found four letters from various publications. I ended up with one "yes,"one "maybe," and two "no's."

The "yes" is a short story (non-fiction) that will be published in November. Both "no's" were no's, but they each contained comments on my work. I will study them and see if I can use them to improve my writing.

A "maybe" is a different story. It may be three months, six months or even years before I know whether the answer is yes or no. Still, I know I am on my way now. Each day brings new hope for my future as a writer.

Although I don't always understand the "no's," I realize they are a part of my writing. So, I try to accept them and go on.

?I am lucky because I have a cheering section. This group of people always knows what to say. They encourage me to continue writing. There are kind words when the rejections get overwhelming. Even more important, they listen to the same piece--time?after time,?day after day--as?I attempt to fine tune it into a publishable article or manuscript. Maybe I should call this cheering section "my victims." Even though I talk humorously about this group of people, it is an important part of every writer's life.

My hope, like others, is always for a regular income from writing. It does seem like there is interest, and the money always comes in spurts.

?I had a friend who wrote for a living. She always spoke of how writing and its income came in spurts. Her children used to talk about her writing income. "When mommy gets rich," they would say, and then go on to talk about what they would do with the extra income.

One of my greatest problems is patience. Once I have finished a piece, I want an immediate response. Instead it may be months, or even longer, before I hear.

I have to remind myself how much I have always wanted to write.?I go back and reread an earlier piece, and one I have written this week. It makes me realize how far I have come.

When all is said and done, I know this is what I want to do. I am writing for the pure joy of writing, and look forward to tomorrow.


A day in Katie Martin's life begins with a vigiilant eye and an open mind, to the many stories that lay behind the daily events of people, places and things. A well published writer, with an appetite for life, Katie brings a warm glow to everyday things....making them extraordinary.

Would you like to participate in Friday "Speak Out!"? Email your short posts (under 500 words) about women and writing to: marcia[at]wow-womenonwriting[dot]com for consideration. We look forward to hearing from you!

Labels: Friday Speak Out, joy, Katie Martin, why I write


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