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Posted Today, 11:22 AM
I want to make something like thispublic static void main(String[] args){ doSomething(); // Wait doSomethingElse(); }
How to stop code? I was thinking about Thread, and sleep method, but then i thought, that i don't know specific sleeping time. Situation is like this:
main class contains jframe window.
I want to add one class which extends JPanel. There ActionListeners would follow user, until he does something, and then I want to came back to the main method and call second method.
Is this even possible? And if yes, then how can I make this?
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Replies To: How to stop code?
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Re: How to stop code?
Posted Today, 11:30 AM
Not really, this happens in two different thread.Your main() is actually finished when the GUI is displayed... this is the nature of Java GUI.
This is not a noce solution but you can always start a thread that does something like
class MyTread extends Thread { private boolean flag = true; public void run() { while(flag} { thread sleep 1 second } ... do what you have to do
so it is the actionPerformed() job to call a setter in MyThread to set the flag to false
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Re: How to stop code?
Posted Today, 11:49 AM
pbl, on 15 April 2013 - 11:30 AM, said:
Your main() is actually finished when the GUI is displayed... this is the nature of Java GUI.
This is not a noce solution but you can always start a thread that does something like
class MyTread extends Thread { private boolean flag = true; public void run() { while(flag} { thread sleep 1 second } ... do what you have to do
so it is the actionPerformed() job to call a setter in MyThread to set the flag to false
Looks good, but how to call setter method of the main class? Do I need to send whole main object to the JPanel class with ActionListener?
This post has been edited by novakasss: Today, 11:51 AM
Reputation: 2033
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Re: How to stop code?
Posted Today, 01:20 PM
I want to came back to the main method and call second method.
Is this even possible?
Reputation: 949
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Re: How to stop code?
Posted Today, 02:02 PM
What is it that you are trying to accomplish? Is it some sort of dialog result you are looking for?
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Re: How to stop code?
Posted Today, 02:10 PM
pbl, on 15 April 2013 - 07:30 PM, said:
Your main() is actually finished when the GUI is displayed... this is the nature of Java GUI.
This is not a noce solution but you can always start a thread that does something like
class MyTread extends Thread { private boolean flag = true; public void run() { while(flag} { thread sleep 1 second } ... do what you have to do
so it is the actionPerformed() job to call a setter in MyThread to set the flag to false
Did I just see pbl call Thread.sleep() without a try/catch clause or a declaration of throws InterruptedException??
Surely I was mistaken!
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Source: http://www.dreamincode.net/forums/topic/318591-how-to-stop-code/
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