Thursday, April 21, 2011

When we begin this thing called self improvement-- Breathing Pro

April 19th, 2011

? Success has a lot of factors and one of which is being aware of one?s self because self knowledge is related directly to one?s success; you we understand ourselves well, success is easier to achieve. When I was really young, I saw myself that I was abnormal in the way I act and interact with people; I was always so shy and silent and reserved and wanted to be all by myself, while my friends were so happy and talkative, and extremely loud and outgoing. This dilemma has been going on for years until I undergo the disc program which stands for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness; the disc test is not just personality test but it also gives reports on your strengths, weaknesses, motivations, behavioral tendencies and strategies to boost the productivity of personal and career life. The program is a beautiful experience since it helped me to understand myself more and other people too; I began to accept and love myself, I began to adapt my own style and get along with others better, and I came to realize that people?s personality really differs. There are many factors that help us be molded into the person that we have always wanted to become; these factors are all our strengths and weakness and even our temperaments. There may be things that we can never change, but let us do what we can to improve those that we can change because we also need to look at our weaknesses and not just successes. Understanding these things will make us patient with the strengths and weaknesses of other people and tolerate their limitations and faults and adapt to every environment we are placed into. When we begin this thing called self improvement, we will be able to really begin to see and give value to ourselves and to others; this makes us communicate better and accept others more readily than before. However we also have to keep in mind that self improvement is not just overnight, it is always a process.


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