Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How You Can Stop Stress and Anxiety

Most people have trouble getting through the day without feeling some sort of financially related, work related or even relationship related strain or anxieties. In some cases these pressures can be so intense that a person can feel as if there is nothing that can be done to prevent stress and anxiety, however there are a few ordinary tips that can be used.

There are a number of physical things that you do which can lead to stress and anxiety as well as make it difficult to control. If you're a smoker, absorb a lot of booze, or a lot of caffeinated beverages, you're putting added stress on your heart and body without adding in any external factors.

Your body is in need of sleep to recharge and recover from the stress and activity of each day. Getting too little sleep or interrupted sleep can cause you to react to stress in an exaggerated manner.

Exercise is a suitable activity to help your body and mind cope with stress and anxiety.

You shouldn't look at maxing out on weights in the gym, although a brisk walk outdoors or a few laps in the pool, may be just what's required. Getting socially involved can be a good stress reliever. Whether you have a chat over the phone or go out to dinner with a friend, even if you instant message with someone supportive on the computer all of these are helpful to stop stress and anxiety.

Meditating and relaxation techniques are quite helpful to help you stabilize your breathing and ensure you sustain a calm demeanor when you feel stressed or anxious. You don't need to go out to become a yoga master, but you can use this practice to help you regulate your breathing and slow the pace of your heart while you are panicked.

The next tip is to take a good look at how your daily life is run.

Are you organized and structured or does everything just sort of happen? Are you a procrastinator that holds off until the last second to get something done? Using a daily planner or other kind of organizational date book can be very beneficial in helping to arrange and de-stress your everyday routine.

If you can get yourself in the habit of writing down things that need to be done ahead of schedule and allocate a goal time or date for yourself, you'll find that you'll be a lot more relaxed.

It is important that you don't add too many responsibilities or deadlines to your daily life.

You need to think about where all those outside pressures come from in order to properly stop stress and anxiety, and there's nothing wrong with informing someone that you're unable to do something because your calendar is already too full.

Friendships can help you feel less isolated and conversations with friends can also help you to discover new ways to stop stress and anxiety. You should certainly consider consulting with a medical professional if you feel that you can't reduce stress by yourself.

Your doctor may decide that it's best to prescribe medication for a short while to help you relax and to assist you with sleeping, but this may not be the only course of treatment to stop stress and anxiety that your medical professional will recommend. Even only a few sessions of therapy can be seen and can be viewed as more of an all over tune up for your mind and body than as a final desperate attempt at relief from stress and anxiety.

Just as stress and anxiety come from many different areas so do the many ways you can deal with your pressures and work through the anxiety.

Source: http://health.ezinemark.com/how-you-can-stop-stress-and-anxiety-7d2f2d9d19fa.html

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